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Saturday, July 22, 2017

San Antonio Summer

     Watching birds interact and flowers grow is how I spent the majority of summer in 2016. Getting knocked out of my Birkenstocks by an SUV ensured a summer spent in slow motion. My injuries left me thinking, sitting, adjusting, journaling and doing more thinking. Luckily, I was living at my grandma's house, so the walls, stairs, and most importantly, the shower contained grab bars. Thank you, Grandma Josephine. 
     After she passed away in January of 2016, my mother helped me move from the basement to the main floor of her house. I would be leaving in a few months for my new life in Colorado. I had resigned from my teaching position after a decade, saved money, paid off my car, found an apartment in Littleton, and was hired as a 4th-grade teacher at STEM School and Academy in Highlands Ranch. My life seemed as if everything was falling into place. I had even started to wake up early and exercise BEFORE work! This had been a goal of mine for years and RWJ Wellness center was swiping me in at least 3x a week at 6am. I was feeling fantastic. 
     That feeling was knocked out of me by a driver not paying attention to where she was going on the evening of June 2nd. I suffered a bunch of firsts: broken bones, torn ligaments, sprains, and a black eye. I had planned to leave NJ for CO on July 19th. My life transitioned from "killin it" to lesson plan writing and physical therapy until the school year ended. Then it was just physical therapy and family and friend visits. When I started to feel a bit better, meaning that it only took me 30 minutes instead of 45 minutes to make breakfast, coffee, and get myself set up for the day on the porch swing in the back yard, I resumed Colorado preparation by paying the security deposit, scanning paperwork, signing forms, and communicating with my 4th-grade team. I would continue to make the move to Colorado as planned and make the necessary, expensive adjustments as needed. 
     When I found out the pain that wouldn't subside was caused by a tear in the labrum of my left hip, I was devastated. I had learned that if I had a labrum tear it would mean surgery. Surgery would mean another summer spent in slow motion. I wanted to maximize the 24 days that would be my summer break 2017. I decided on camping in Great Sand Dunes National Park and a road trip to San Antonio, Texas to visit my great Aunt Marion whose 100th birthday party I missed last July. 
     After an unforgettable experience in the Sand Dunes, I took a few days to recover. It was time to prepare for Texas. However, I couldn’t get in touch with Aunt Marion to announce my plan. What could she be doing? She could be volunteering, out with family or friends, or at church. If she is anything like her sister, Josephine (my grandma) she would hate to sit home. She would prefer to be around people. I tried calling again, but she didn't answer her phone. I began thinking maybe I shouldn't drive to visit her. I was being fitted for a hip brace any day now. A CPM machine was going to be dropped off. I was supposed to be waiting for phone calls, exercising, paying attention to my diet. I was torn, but had to decide fast. After a short, but clarifying talk with one of my roommates in the backyard, the answer was clear. I needed to go to Texas. 
     The next morning, I woke up (later than planned of course) and started driving toward Texas. While passing through New Mexico, I finally reached Aunt Marion's son Anthony by phone (thank you, Aunt Rose Marie) who I had never met (or was too young to remember meeting him). He told me that his mother had fallen down in the kitchen a few days prior and fractured her hip. She was staying in a rehab clinic to help recover from her partial hip replacement. I still wanted to visit her, so he told me to call him when I arrived the next morning. Puggle and I camped out in the Rogue. We fit perfectly side by side. I hung tapestry against the windows and placed my sun visor on the windshield. Puggle was panting a bit, so I worried she was too hot to sleep. I cracked each window and fully opened the panoramic sun roof. The temperature inside the SUV cooled and we both fell asleep among truckers idling at the rest stop. 

     The next morning, we continued driving 4 more hours to San Antonio. Aunt Marion looked like she was doing well and she was happy to see Puggle and I. We shared stories, laughs, and tears. 
Funny quotes from Aunt Marion: 

John: When is the last time you showered? 
Aunt Marion: You want to know a little secret? I can't remember.

Aunt Marion about my father: "Your dad is a good looking dude!"

"I am 100 years old. Who the hell cares!"

"Do you have a lady?  You need to have some dessert!"

"Being alive is not living. You got to live."

"My friends highjacked a truck. I brought home the best meat."

"I look like yesterday's washcloth."

Then the most magical thing happened. Aunt Marion’s granddaughter, Eve, invited me to stay at her house with her family and doggies. I hadn’t met any of these people before.  Eve and her husband, Mario made me feel at home and welcomed Puggle. Their oldest daughter, Bella, kindly gave up her bedroom, so I could sleep there. She adored Puggle and Puggle enjoyed the attention. Their Boerne house was beautiful and my favorite part was the doggie door. Genius! Every dog owner should have one. 
Bella and I at the River Walk

I ate the most delicious breakfast tacos at Mague’s Cafe, explored the river walk with Mario and Bella, stopped at The Alamo,  fell in love with a 150 year old oak tree, drank a delightfully spicy margarita, sampled wine at a tasting with Anthony and Pam’s friends, attended a father’s day dinner (best rice I’ve had in a long time), connected with cousins I didn’t even know existed, and best of all, spent time with Aunt Marion. She will be celebrating her 101st birthday this month and had the assistants at Sorrento and I cracking up. It is amazing how sharp she is at almost 101 year old. 

150 Year old Oak Tree next to The Alamo
     I brought a bottle of red wine with me that I planned to drink with her. Unfortunately, that wouldn’t happen, but I did get to tour the trailer where she lives with her son Richard. Richard and I had a lot in common starting with our love for the outdoors. I left the bottle of red wine at her home for her return. I tried to connect with as many cousins as possible via Facebook and am excited to make new connections.
Anthony, me, and Pam
     I could not have predicted how the San Antonio trip would turn out. It was even better than I expected. Aunt Marion's family showed me so much kindness. Before I left Texas to return to Colorado, she told me, "If I can handle hip surgery, you can too! Just being alive is not living. You've got to live!" I drove home with a new set of memories and knew I was ready to get this surgery over with, so I could recover and start living the life I moved to Colorado to live! I am so thankful to have had such a wonderful experience in Texas with family. Summer 2016 is off to a memorable start. 
Giani, Puggle, Bella, and Juliet
Mario, Giani, Bella, Me, Eve, and Juliet

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Lavender Bomb

Lavender Bomb
 Bathtub Thoughts

I did it. 
I FOUND this apartment. 
I WORKED for this apartment. 
I LIVED in this apartment. 
I FELT pain in this apartment. 
I LOVED in this apartment. 
I LAUGHED in this apartment. 
I COOKED in this apartment. 
I DRANK in this apartment. 
I BONDED in this apartment. 
I CRIED in this apartment. 
I WORRIED in this apartment. 
I ADMIRED in this apartment. 
I KEPT a journal in this apartment. 
I DREAMED in this apartment. 
I CONNECTED in this apartment. 
I ENTERTAINED in this apartment. 
I HAD FUN in this apartment. 
I WONDERED in this apartment.
I ENGAGED in good conversation in this apartment. 
I CREATED new friends in this apartment. 
I HID OUT in this apartment. 
I MISSED my family and friends in this apartment. 
I DISCOVERED in this apartment. 
I LET GO in this apartment. 
I am MOVING on from this apartment.

Monday, January 2, 2017

45 Lessons Learned in 2016

2016 Wasn't My Favorite Year...
but it was a year of new beginnings which resulted in a lot of lessons learned. I moved from my home state of NJ to CO. I miss my family and friends, but made 2 trips home to visit. I made a few great friends here in CO and look forward to exploring the west!

1. Cut the jalapeƱos last when using a cutting board for multiple vegetables.
2. Having a garage and backyard is the easy life. 
3. When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dreams. -The Alchemist
4. Get up early. Work out. Have a great day. 
5. When you're 40, looks fade, money means nothing, you have to love a person. 
6. Not all cider beers taste the same. I like the Doc's Draft Hard IPA.
7. I am not invincible. Crosswalks aren't always safe.
8. bread vs. toast...big difference in taste. Especially when you are expecting the crunch of toast when you bite into bread. 
9. 911 in Australia is 000.
10. Dust devils are a friends and I witnessed one form and then were chased by it. I had dirt in my teeth for the rest of the day. #EstesPark #COLife
11. Appreciate every single second you have with your grandparents. 
12. #51 from Things I've learned in 2016 was wrong. 
13. There is a free shuttle in Crested Butte, CO that takes you from the mountain into downtown...and it's FREE! Telluride offers free gondola rides into town. 
14. The best muffin I have ever had in my life was born in Crested Butte, CO at a bakery called Mountain Oven Organic Bakery. Order the Green Man zucchini muffin. 

15. Julie gives great relationship advice. Wow. Thank you, JULEH. 
16. I learned how to Mystery Skype and Mystery Skype Prank... haha 

17. I never realized what an important role pizza has played in my life until now. #COpizzafails. I have been in a serious relationship with pizza for the past 35 years. You don't know what you've got until it's gone. 
Joey D's Grandma Pie- Metuchen, NJ

18. Rick's Real BBQ Sauce (Winner of Frisco BBQ Challenge) is worth putting on your Christmas list.
19. The Butterfly Bakery of VT makes Heady Topper hot sauce and it's damn good! Thank you, Sara!
20. My friends...are people who I am very lucky to have met and I am happy and thankful to have them in my life. Thank you for helping me get through this crazy year. 
21. Passive aggressive people are both difficult to understand, predict, and be around. 
22. Avalanche Awareness class is a thing and I am considering taking a class. 
23. It's not a multiple-choice question Kelly; it's an open ended.
24. If it doesn't f-ing work, get rid of it. 
25. TCBY = The Country's Best Yogurt TCBY (Bobby B.)
26. Random Hairs can sometimes grow out of the side of your nose. ~CM
27. Marino Aoki: Urge to poop while in a bookstore
28. "Following your dreams is like learning a foreign language; you will make mistakes, but you will get there in the end." P.C. The Alchemist
29. Red Rocks plays movies in the summer. #MoviesOnTheRocks
30. Replace him with whom...thanks, Bond. 
31. Appreciate the little things your body can do: simply the ability to walk, bend down to pick something up, kiss a baby, sneeze and cough without pain, and laugh. 
32. One cannot always trust the opinions of fellow Yelpers #CO 
33. CO cares about the little always making sure the windshield cleaning fluid is full and usable at gas stations.
34. Puggle added airplanes to her list of transportation methods. #travelingdog. She's the coolest. 
35. Del Taco exists in Colorado AND they offer turkey tacos! Yes, please. #BadVegetarian 
36. Those who volunteer live longer than those who don't.  2005 Stanford Study Thrive
37. Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. Thrive
38. We need to give ourselves permission for what makes us feel most alive. And when we are most alive, we are most compassionate and vice versa. Thrive
39. Arrogance is the camouflage of insecurity. 
40. Physical therapy works! The human body is amazing.
41. My sleep deprived sister is a superhero and her babies are cuter than yours. 

42. The musicians playing at the Honky Tonks of Nashville, don't get paid and rely on tips. They have real talent!
43. Visit Asheville, NC. Green Man Brewery (Coconutter Beer) and Funkatorium. Go hiking. Play in the wind. Great place. 
44. Don't take your 60 year old smoker of a father hiking on day two of his vacation at 10,000 ft. no matter how "easy" you think the hike is. 
45. Pizza dough tossing competitions exist. 

Happy New Year!