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Monday, July 23, 2018
Thursday, January 4, 2018
Words that Made Me LOL in 2017
The people responsible for the quotes listed below in 2017's "book of funny things," shall remain anonymous. This allows me to post almost every entry to this blog. Thank you to everyone quoted here for adding humor to the world. I appreciate you!
M.S.(Mid-script- I just created it.) While editing and revising these face crackers, I relived each and every moment as a memory. These entries were just the mind-jogger I needed to travel back in time and most importantly laugh!
Time travel with me...Enjoy!
I feel it! Kelly, this is the first time I've been buzzed in two weeks!
B.H. 1-1-17 Roof Top Tavern after returning from NJ.
I'm full and I need to stop, but pass the byriani!
B.H 1-7-17 #Bawarchi
J: Babe, you put them in the wrong cribs again. THIS is Hunter.
F: No way, that is Cole.
J: No, it's definitely Hunter.
F: Check his penis.
That one always makes me crack up. Hence the bold.
The soup lady blocked me!
1-13-17 L.H.
Me: What are you doing this weekend?
N.C.Honest answer. I am going to dress up as a giant sriracha hot sauce and go ice climbing.
E.D. 1-13-17
No, take the five bucks go buy yourself a Big Mac.
Finn's Bar
I just downloaded the McDonald's App, so I think she is more sober.
V.C. 1-13-17
In 2005 Facebook came out and then dogs started getting profiles and then grandma's. I'm out. B.H.
VC: Should I get rid of facebook?
BH: Yes. It's a disease.
Why the fuck did I stay up all night talking about placemats?
A.B. 1-19-17
I've only ever met Tony Danza!
B.H. about the Bachelor couple
I can't get shit faced because I have to go to the post office tomorrow.
C.D. #postal
I chipped my tooth so bad, I looked like Jewel.
I never wrote down who said this. Please let me know if it was you. I enjoy giving credit, but not extra credit. #AskMyStudents
I wanted to borrow her carpets for Chinese New Year, but she glued them to the floor.
Have you seen the Norwegian curling team? They have the best pants.
2-17-17 E.C.
Judging people is so much fun.
C.T. #themoth
K: Why isn't anyone clapping?
B: I don't know. There's a weird vibe in here. Everyone has a mustache and a hat.
I'm so glad you guys have each other, but I literally want to vomit.
He says the worst things.
K.L.S 3-11-17
No, I didn't have any of that in the car. I was so Mormon at the time!
He loves your sweatpants and your taco face. He's trying to be your husband.
3-17-17 J.H.
Neighbors are just geography.
When you can make fun of the people in line with me...that's when we can go to Disney World together.
J.H. 3-17-17
K: It is a perfect sky and perfect day. Look at that.
L: And I'm almost at 20,000 steps!
I had a pet cockroach.
L.H. 3-19-17
I feel like I can make anything out of PVC pipe.
L.M. March 31 17
Why does he feel so guilty, like a vagina face?
Did I coffee your tea?
Snooze server to mom
Do you think I wouldn't be friends with a guy who brings a tambourine into a karaoke bar? N.M.
If there is one thing I learned from Nick, it's how to use Fuck the right way and often.
K.L.Z. 4-28-17
Take all the dicks you want. Just don't be one.
JB to PP
I want to have sex with these candles.
K: After you close up the chickens, could you pick lettuce from the garden for dinner?
CB: Whaaaa? I came here to help you. I didn't come here to live off the land!
I fight with artificial intelligence, OFTEN.
A hula hoop! That is a red flag ⛳ right there!
She put on her hula hoop pants.
That was the whitest rice I ever had.
A.P. 8-14-17
I like my chickens, my garden, and my sourdough.
M.S. 8-22-17
8-24-17 A.B.
I am not drunk. I just had some wine. It was very good, so I had some more.
I am Albanian and there is some shit I just don’t know. I don’t know the difference between ir, er, or whatever, but I know 2 mushrooms and one spoon. #Baste
🎶 Vivi has a BRA!🎶 (This little jingle led to a fun game for the whole family and for teachers in hallways.)
L: Kel, are you painting the white canvas, white?
J: She named her Puggle, PUGGLE!
We're so late. Let’s all get flu shots!
P: Nick, don’t leave your seat (Dad taking food)
P- explaining life rules and etiquette of wine and design night.
“Is there glitter in this Sangria?“
Wine and Design Puns: Everything is Vine, It’s Easelly done.
It's like the first fart in a relationship. If you wait too long it is awkward.
She goes right for the glutes.
Guys, I got flipped off for the first time yesterday. Like the first time in my life!!
L.H. (<--she's from Nebraska---people are nice there.)
He reminds me of a wipe. A feminine one.
I am so excited for Deepak!
You have a bra from the circus.
Do you know what I do when people try to give me Anesthesia? I do calculus to prove to myself that I’m still coherent A.S. 12-22-17
A Thought: if there were to be an emergency on an airplane...I would not be comfortable relying on the people seated in the Emergency exit row...even with their verbal, “Yes.”
I am going to keep feeding you wine until your cheeks are as red as your shirt.
I have been trying to cross my legs for 5 mins. and I can’t figure it out.
Oh look they are giving away free air!
Oh yeah, so nice! The air is free and the water is five dollars!
K: Jackie are you aware that your daughter looks like a drag queen?
J: Yes. And so does my son!
Christmas Day 2017 When you give a 3-year-old makeup...
We’re doing the loop.
We’re doing the loop.
WheresTheFuckingWawa I hate this place.
👶🏻 ♿ Oh noooo
“Kelly! What is happening?! KELLY!!!
Can everyone please sit Down?!
Don’t touch me!
Keep your groceries!
I feel like we shouldn't be here.
I'm a five-year-old.
The La Croix!
How do we get out?
What are you doing tomorrow? I don't know something about a pow wow.
6,100 ft!
We are up high! That's why the trail was so hard.
F your bday party
I might need you to turn it off.
That's a fire blanket.
Don't panic, it's organic.
_____ is the perfect egg, but I wanna kick him down the stairs.
We're dehydrated. I could drink one more beer.
“Are they seriously done playing right now? They’ve only been playing for an hour! It’s only 9pm. #spoon
I literally only came here to hear one song. Only one.
His voice is so high pitched that you can’t even hear him anymore like a dog whistle...
Did everyone wear the gay necklace? N.A.
I am a Colorado Native. L.M.
Counter that. Jason (disliking beer)
Helmet. Left hand. Overhand N.M.
Get in the helmet!
He didn’t have a chance. K.L.Z.
Coming out AGAIN party. KM
I didn’t touch it because then you will make up another rule. L.M. (beer pong)
Natural Woobie
I got a packet coming.
Father Dino
Frank and beans
Stacey’s Mom
I just want to get chocolate milk for my Bundt cake. J.C.
Bro Berry Juice T.P. and J.C.
LMisms 2017
I can’t go anywhere, my head is too heavy.
They are doing shots of tequila and we can’t even sit.
I almost choked to death right there.
I may pee my pants on the way to the bathroom. I am seriously so scared that may happen.
Kelly, I want a Turtle on my ass. I never wanted anything more.
Kelly, we just had an entire conversation...under the table.
How many whore parties are we going to?
Kelly, we need to adopt him. On our asses.
Bonus Track: For those of you that know E.B. you know he has his own book of funny sayings. Here are the gems from 2017.
Bonus Track: For those of you that know E.B. you know he has his own book of funny sayings. Here are the gems from 2017.
Here's one for E's book of sayings, "lickety-split shit"
I just caught your mom imitating me, who is imitating her. I don't know what to call that. I'm so confused! #LicketySplitShit So many applications.
Forgive me for my naïveté, but what do you do when you go camping?
How can I be intimidated by this new job? I'm eating bulls balls.
I've got a belly full of balls.
K: E, there is an elk burger on the menu.
E: When you had Rocky Mountain oysters, everything else so pedestrian. Ya know, bland.
Budweiser it was the beer of empires. My father is famous for falling fast asleep and balancing a beer successfully on his knee.
He would never spill a beer. Ever.
M: E, we should've ordered the pretzel.
E: (shaking his head) No, no, no honey. The pretzel is only for poor people can't afford the bone marrow. Do I sound arrogant? I do! Do I care? No!
Woah! That is steep. That scares me. I can eat bull balls, but I can't look down.
E @ CORockies Game
Why the hell is Natalie merchant speaking like that? She's from Buffalo!
Throws himself back in his wheelchair
E: I'm filled up to my head with everything. Liquids. Solids. I'm up to here.
M: Do you want brownies?
E: Yes!
An outbreak of laughter.
E: What's Jorj doing these days?
K: I think he works at a Kombucha bar last that I heard.
E: What is Kombucha?
K explains.
E: So, he works at a Kombucha bar? How many customers does it get? It's ridiculous. Where did the term Kumbucha come from? Where did Kumbucha originate?
K: I have no idea.
E: My guess is some bonehead hippie out here thought of it.
What am I doing with these idiots?
This is my circus and these are my monkies.
I don't think Irish people get food poisoning. People can be throwing up all around me. I'm fine.
Dave got Focal Bangar. legally.
10-9-17 (Leif Erickson Day)
I have coal miners lung from cleaning that fireplace.
I just set up Apple Pay. I mean, why ya gotta whip your wallet out?
M: Ed, do you have any quarters?
E: I'm in my pajamas!
(Left Right Center Game)
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
85 Things I've Learned in 2017
My longest list of "things" so no particular order...I hope you learn something and ultimately are entertained with a side of confusion. Yes, I know that I am ridiculous.
1 I like to drink hot, honey water in the winter. A soul-stirring book makes a nice pair. #milkandhoney or #waterandhoney
2 Everyone needs at least one good knife in their house.
3 See photo because this confusion made my brain hurt: What is the difference between sarcasm, facetiousness, and just f-ing with people? Thanks to Juleh and Bond for this one-
4. Canadian Tuxedo: Jean on Jean
5. Lesson learned...never rely on the battery of an iPhone 📱 during a winter hike. Always bring the Cannon. Always. #HangingLake
6. Needy people suck.
7. Winter hiking! Get yourself a pair of microspikes and fill your pack with peaks! #AWholeNewWorld
8. I found the perfect PMS food for me. French's jalapeño crisps found at Costco. When I am PMS-ing I crave spicy and salty. This bag of heaven takes care of both cravings in a few bites. The best part is the spice is intense enough for me where I cannot eat anymore after a handful or two. Therefore cutting me off from overeating. Overheating leads to overeating prevention.
#CravingFullySatisfied #theyearIgotfat
19. Everyone looks sophisticated while wearing a pair of safety glasses.
20. La changing. Refreshing and guilt free. Coconut and Lime are my faves after trying every single "essence." Now I understand why we never saw a Hatch Expeditions River Guide without one in their hand. 3-11-17
21. Miragliottas are clappers.
22. One way to drink really hot coffee is to eat a gelato at the same time. Alternate hands and enjoy. #theyearIgotfat
23. Don't decide to purchase a new car in 2 hours. #idiot
24. Baths! Where have they been? I should have been taking baths for years. They are relaxing and water helps me think. Music and the perfect lighting. Aqua notes. The bathtub is my think tank.
25. Gelato is to coffee as a cold beer is to a hot bath.
26. Word vomit that shit. ~Bobby Brower on starting to write
27. I am addicted to social media.
28. Do you know how the wild Asian ass mates? The male noisily chases females (young following close behind her) around. Females kick at his throat to fight him off. Exhausted from recently giving birth and raising young, they finally give it up. I think when you call someone an ass you are actually calling them a rapist.
29. Tornadoes made of fire occur in Australia. I'm serious.
31. A good friend takes your dead bird home to their apartment dumpster so it doesn't stink up your garbage can.
32. Have no friends not equal to yourself. -Mr. Browne Auggie & Me
33. Portlandia is genius and hilarious!
34. Chickens retreat to the coop after sunset when they feel predators may be around.
35. My sister, Jackie could possibly be part chicken. Ask for her impression.
36. If everyone made a conscious effort to build reflection into their daily routine, the results could change the world for the better. ~Me
37. Shivering after anesthesia is common.
38. A sports bra doubles as a transportation device for items that don't fit in your pockets while using crutches to walk.
39. When life changes, so do your eggs. -Bobby Brower
40. Crutches are a great tool for killing spiders (and for many other tasks featured here).
41. Deon Cole is right. Why aren't there any black band-aids?
42. Coloradans drizzle honey INSIDE their pizza crust. I am still not sure how I feel about this.
43. I dress like a Viking child.
44. Berserker (what a fun word to say)! It gives Francisco some stiff competition.
45. Roasted Make pizza from scratch.
46. When exiting your car as the driver, reach for the handle with your right hand so your body turns to look for bikers. #doored prevention Thanks, Chris Thai
47. Attend a comedy show in a new town or state and you will learn a lot about that new place.
48. When bread making, kneading an important step! Duh, Kelly.
49. Once one of your dog's ACLs tear, it is only a matter of time before the other one tears as well.
50. Nationwide Pet Insurance sucks (at least my plan sucks). I should've started paying myself between $30 and $60 a month instead of getting pet insurance years ago.
51. Cosmos Creations Maple Pecan Premium Puffed Corn is heaven on earth. Thanks, Mom.
52. Dishwashers...what a smart invention. I truly appreciate that machine and the hand cream (yes, cream, not lotion is advisable in CO) it saves me from needing.
53. Chris's Cick-Ass Cake Cocktail (Moscow Mule with a Jamaican twist and some party (B-day cake vodka) flav.
54. I'm glad Puggle will be sticking around for a few more years. Surgery was a good choice.
55. I have never been good at using eye drops and am pretty much a baby about it. However, it's so dry in CO, I find myself using them more frequently. I discovered that using eyedrops in the dark is easier for me because I can't anticipate the drop because I can't see it and do not blink as much. Disclaimer, if you try my method, you may waste a lot of eye drops, so get your AIM game on.
56. Today, I decided it was time to learn how to fold a fitted sheet. Here is the woman who taught me how to do it. Thank you Teresa Sanderson. 9-23-17 Finally.
57. It's difficult to balance quarters in a bar in Colorado. (so many hills)
58A. My mother has Saran Wrap that is dedicated just to the holiday of Easter.
58B. I noticed that she has a strange obsession for freshening the air... each room in the house has a different scent. Her white Santa Fe currently has a combined scent of Morning Fresh (thank you, Jorj) and a mystery soap in a silver cage that will probably find a home hanging from the rearview mirror. If she can ever open it again with her long nails. #nailsdone
58C. She has a super sense of smell.
59. Long fingernails freak me out. Claws. AH!
60. There are two kinds of people in this world… People who recognize, appreciate, and create puns as often as possible. And people who don’t understand or appreciate puns.
61. I know how to can (or jar) food, keep a yeast culture alive (thank you Marissa), and make sourdough bread from scratch. #levi
62. Chapped lips enhance wine lips #COWinters Looking in the bathroom mirror like WHaaAT?
63. The magic of a new human connection is as inspiring as a bold new discovery. #TEDXMILEHIGHwonder
64. I flippin LOVE breakfast burritos.
65. Credit card chips can fall out.
66. Oven Fan Under Cover- Kel
67. CO students at STEM understand my puns
68. There aren’t enough Jews in Colorado to get Jewish holidays off of school.
69. Lazy Boy reclining chairs are A. Mazing
70. Pronking- Google it
71. White Rock on front Lawn = Swingers’ House
72. I can’t watch Drop Dead Fred at this age without feeling anxiety. #cobwebs
73. Quality Ramen is worth a long drive. Next move, cook Ramen myself.
74. Happy Tears has a thing for a man in uniform.
75. Indian people have the best spice cabinets
76. Intermittent Fasting interests me because it makes sense and I have seen results others have had. #JanuaryGoals
77. If you move to CO from the NJ/NY area...make your own pizza.
78. Jumping Cacti exist
79. All roads lead to Moab
80. I never understood the little benches or resting stations in the middle of the mall hallways. They are for resting! People WANT to rest. Either they spent a long time in the mall or they are just tired. I guess either way they are tired. So, I approached a bench and it looked appealing. I used it for 10 glorious minutes. I finally got tired at 36 years old. I get it now, mall resters...I get it.
81. I do some deep thinking at museums. #solowalk
82 Don't walk past the Denver Zoo in the dark after watching wild Africa on IMAX. I heard roaring! The funny part was that I had no idea the Zoo was located right next to the museum.
83. Googly Eyes make great conversation.
84. "A fun little scramble" is NOT a very specific way to describe a segment of a hike. Sorry, Nina and Jason. #batcave
85. Good/quality sushi and pizza are hard to find in the Denver Area. Suggestions welcome.
In 2018, "I go to seek a great perhaps."
words of the poet, Francois Rebelaid
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