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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Things I've Learned in 2019

Another year = more knowledge

1. Twitterpated- Bambi (Thanks Katie)
2. Cats are fun to play with.
3. Queen bee 🐝 
4. censored
5. Starfish- censored
6. Wisconsin Lunch Box-a light beer, shot of OJ, & shot of amaretto
7. Feb-March is Coyote mating season...dawn & dusk beware
8. Siberian sport slapping is a thing took place in Russia link
9. Dos Equis Xx beer & Miller Light -RIP = GROSS
10. I SUCK at chugging beer and putting up curtains 
11. Seuss books are NOT JUST for kids. Oh, the Places You’ll Go has serious life advice.
12. censored
13. My tequila shot face can't get below a 7. Katie's however...scores a 1.5!!!! 
14. Fireworks in Idaho Springs- yes! 
15. Wilderness on Wheels is a campground near Kenosha Pass in CO that is for people in wheelchairs. 
16. Clean your bathtub with the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and wonder how you have lived your life up until this point. 
17. A Chipotle is a smoked & dried jalapeño pepper. Thank you, Julie.
18. Eight people get stuck in Denver elevators daily. This year, Puggle and I were in that situation together with our recycling. Thanks, Joe!
19. Daily Mail dot com is made up of horrible human beings, especially Andy Abrams, who publishes fake news without the permission of others. I don't know how to take them down, but if anyone else does, I would love to be pointed in the right direction. They just want a good story and don't give a s*** if my picture is forever on the internet side by side with two killers. Kayla Brantley is an even bigger piece of s*** who only cares about a story and doesn't care about how her privacy invasions have an effect on people's daily lives. 
20. Teachers in the USA get a free Headspace account. Yay! 
21 My parents are awesome in so many ways. Thank you for always loving me no matter what crazy things I get into. 
22 The Norovirus is a nasty, nasty beast. #ThanksgivingBreak2019
23 Hanky Codes are a real thing gay men use to signal others about their preferences- JF my Gayru
24 Erik was homeschooled. So many things make sense now. 
25 There is nothing more confusing than a room filled with hairspray, humans, and normal conversation. Especially when nobody is saying, "Run for your life. The air is toxic!" hmmm...
26 Sailboat races on Lake Dillon are not to be infiltrated by kayakers...but it is really funny if it happens to your mom and sister. 
27 When the town you chose to celebrate NYE has zero Uber drivers, the band will bring you home. 
28 The water on Dillon Reservoir gets pretty crazy for kayaking. It is SO much fun! 
29 During the Great American Beer Fest in Denver, local liquor stores have new stock. The brewers do drops of their beer and people like me get to go buy it without paying $80 to attend the actual GABF. Maybe when I am rich. Maybe. 
30 I finally used a composting toilet. It only took me 3 years living in Colorado and it finally happened. I was intrigued but grossed out because it was shared by strangers and was located behind a curtain in our studio cabin. Maybe if it was only used by me and Katie...Maybe. I am probably going to opt for indoor plumbing if I have the choice. It is one of the best inventions ever made. Go without one and you will forever appreciate the luxurious flushing toilet. Trust me.
31 Small pieces of wood can be perfect outdoor grill cleaners
32 Puggle's new favorite sleeping position is hungover. 
33 Wood burning stoves heat a room up QUICKLY.  
34 Chewy Runts are IMPOSSIBLE to find. Please help me. 
35 It is still fun to build a living room fort and watch movies from inside. 
36 Google Quick Draw and Google Feud are both fun to play
37 Solo hiking in the desert of Moab is awesome. Bring your camera and journal. 
38 VIP Kid will pay me to teach Chinese children English while I sit at home in sweatpants.
39 I can sell my salsa. Thanks, Kel!
40 Disco Fries & Taylor Ham exist in Denver. The Grateful Gnome & Rosenburg's Bagels
41 I know the best camping spot in Moab, Utah...and it's free
42 I love snowshoeing and now I OWN snowshoes! 
43 Marty O'Riley and the Old Soul Orchestra - see them live. You're welcome. 
44 Lord Huron in concert at Red Rocks...awesome. 
45 Sometimes it takes weeks for bears to fully wake up from hibernation. 
46 The wood frog- freezes and unfreezes...seriously this frog has a superpower. Google it. 
47 Orphan Peaks- outliers 
48 Isaac Bateman puts pizza in his coffee. 
49 The dollar store sells pregnancy tests!
50 The FJ Cruiser was discontinued in 2014. Sad. I will have one. 
51 Katie hoards Neosporin. 
52 A Beany in Canada is called touque. Thanks, Tyler
53 Kirkland Vodka is Tito’s & the expensive one is Grey Goose
54 Stephanie was on a jump-roping team called The Jump Masters. 
55 Topeka means “a good place to dig potatoes” according to Native Americans. Thanks, Katie
56 once I spent too long organizing my maple candy into 3 piles: zip lock, road trip, and I just acquired this stash, it can wait. I depleted 1/3 of my stash. Lesson learned: never organize your maple candy because you will eat too many, you maple candy hoarder. 
57 This is a yak! 285 drive & Crestone
58 Elevation Ketchup is my favorite. 
59 French fry soup exists- Crestone Brewery- queso & veggie green chili 
It isn’t actually advertised as french fry soup, I think the cook got aggressive with the ladling. 

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