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Saturday, January 1, 2022

Things I Have Learned in 2021

Things I Have Learned in 2021 

I have definitely learned a lot more than this in 2021, but these are the things that actually got written down. 

1. Biceps have two heads.
2. Honeybees fly 80,000 miles to 2 million flowers to gather 4 lbs of nectar to make one pound of honey.
3. The Earth spins at about 1,000 mph.
4. Ruca is the best beer pong ping-pong ball retriever in the land.
5 Noodling- A form of fishing in which a crazy person runs into a lake and searches for holes on the bottom with his foot. Then he inserts his finger into the hole and lets something bite it.
6 always have at least 50% iPhone battery when shopping for an Instacart order. 55 items may actually be 75 units and a heavy maxed out shopping cart.
7 “paradise” is a Persian word for garden 🪴
8 Aquaphor isn’t for moisturizing. It is for healing. Thank you, Katie. My dry hands thank you.
9 If you run out of Paulo Santo at home just go to a Trevor Hall concert at Red Rocks.
10 The spelling of Daiquiri has an I after the a!!!! Thank you Daiquiri Deck.
11 EGR = Extra Grace Required  Thanks, Liz. I think we can all give each other a little more grace these days.
12 People in Maine host maple syrup barn parties. I must attend one of these!
13 Realization: I feel guilty to have recently purchased 3 books through  Amazon. I love bookstores. The quiet, the scent of new books, the readers stashed away in every corner. The overpriced coffee shop inside. If we don’t support local bookstores, they will no longer exist. It is sad that by local bookstores, I mean monopolies like Barnes & Noble with its Starbucks sidekick. What could possibly take over Amazon?
14 Not every mug is made for coffee drinking.
15 I drink too much coffee.
16 I have no idea what is real.
17 #TDLIATL  the dumbest lesbians in all the land
18 My former 4th-grade students in NJ have so many interesting names that I am only now learning the meaning of. 
Soham means I am; I am He-the presence of divinity of each soul; The presence of divinity of each soul. (Beautiful!) 
Divya- devine
Ishani- lord master ruler
Nidhi- treasure
Aarnav- ocean, wave, stream, sea
KrishnaOne of the most popular gods, the eighth and most important avatar or incarnation of Vishnu
Pranav- praise, salutation
Gupta (Sanskrit Origin) means 'one who is bound by duty to protect or govern', implying a King. 
Patel (Gujarati Origin)is a Hindu community of wealthy farmers and merchants. It originally meant 'village-chief'.
Singh, (Sanskrit Origin) the most common Indian surname, is Sanskrit for 'Lion-hearted'.
19 I am transitioning and struggling with crossing over from the must-do to the May do side.
20 I’ve become a part of the Great Resignation. The pandemic has caused us to genuinely reconsider what matters most in life and how we want to spend our days going forward.  Lewann Babler, Elephant Journal
21 It is really messed up that we take puppies away from their mama and siblings. If the puppy moms could talk, what would they say?

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