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Sunday, January 15, 2023

Funny Moments of 2022


Funny Moments of 2022


Katie for the win this year. You can tell we didn't go out much. 

Kayla: There are a lot of people out here. It doesn’t feel wrong.
Kelly: It’s halftime. 
Kayla: We are going to make it to our seats in time for the 4th quarter. 

Kayla: You could’ve gone a little lighter on the real first aid part of the first aid kit. Did you need to leave it all in here? Honest question. 

Kayla: No one needs to know about this. How many complications happened for us to have to get to our seats?  We came in at gate nine and actually need to gate 10 but went in the wrong direction to circle the stadium.
Jan. 9th 22

Me: They can’t hear you
Katie: Yes, they can because I can hear them and I am deaf. 

Katie: There is nothing to watch
Kelly: Let’s just watch YouTube.
Katie: There is nothing on YouTube. It’s Saturday!

Could we please stop looking at our fingernails? Oh my God, we are never going to get friends.
Katie 1-30-22 (@NFL Championship football game)

Kelly: Does the bite on your chin hurt?
Katie: Whiskey

3-4-22 Sean
I’m an old-fashioned kind of sir.
Nothing really brings up trauma because I am too traumatized.
Beauvallon Chronicles 3-4

3-17-22 Katie
There are crowds to get up Mt. Everest. Can you imagine? I am finally given time to do this climb, and I HAVE TO STAND IN FUCKING LINE. A mountain is the one place you should not have to stand in line. That just shows how many people are doing steroids.

3-25-22 Sean
He lives in Washington-tucky
There is something between virgin and gay

3-26-22 Ryan
I used to have a thing for Tina Turner.

I’m a slut for truffle

Kelly: This shirt is so tight. I only have one boob.
Katie: Kelly, all lesbians only have one boob. 4-15-22

I only like things with a motor on them. So, if you’re going to spend money on a hoverboard just buy an ATV. Katie 4-24-22

Me: What is bad chocolate?
Katie:  Reese’s Cups- I want real peanut butter & chocolate

Me: What is bad ice cream?
Katie: No ice cream

Me: What are bad salty snacks? Like avocado oil chips? 
Katie: Any chips you’ve ever chosen. 

Me: What is bad candy?
Katie: Anything that’s healthy

Beth May 18
He’s a world champion poker player!--

Katie, I found such a great addition to our stuffed peppers for tonight!
It better not be Molly. 

Katie: Can you put on Mariah Carey?
Kelly: I have never heard you say that before.
Katie: Oh yeah, I meant Whitney Houston! 

7-1-22 LM
I'm not bougie. I have fungus on my toe! Kelly, do not write that in your thing. Stop that!
NM: I've got a pair of needle-nose and some Rumplemintz. 

We don’t like your teacher voice. 
(Katie after I yelled at Ruca for eating her poop.)

7-15-22 RT
That's like trying to submit your dissertation after working on it for a week.
It’s like spelling overwhelmed, ou…
Just the fact that you started it and ended it with the right letter isn’t enough.

Tossing hair off her neck and sweating over a mile high at the Rockies Stadium…
“Ugh, I just need skittles or something!” 
Hahaha 7-22-22 Katie

Aug. 17th
I have been having 100g or more of protein a day and lifting weights. Grrr. That means I have so much testosterone running through my veins probably. I just want to shoot bows and arrows with Joe Rogan.

Sept. 3rd Chataqua Auditorium- Rising Appalachia concert
After eyeing a row full of lesbians in front of us.
Katie to Kelly: What would a lesbian be doing right now? 
Kelly: (shrugs)
Katie: Zooming in on her cat. (points to lesbian zooming in on her iPhone pic of her cat. 
Both: LOL

I think I have a headache in my 3rd eye.

Kelly: Let’s play Kings in the Corner.
Katie: Are we going to be able to do this without calling your mom?

11-13-22 Lindsey (while playing "Huno" in a cabin)
Kelly: Que color?
Lindsey: Seven
both: LOLLOL

Kelly: Do you have any gum?
Katie: Kelly, I have skinny jeans on!

I find social media to be a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation.
Wednesday Adams 

Brooklyn, Hunter, and Cole = very funny kids
Funny Moments of 2022 from The Diem Team

1-12-22 Jackie
While I was snooping I came across this gem (see photo).
I asked Brooklyn if he wanted to wear that or if she made him and she said, “ He wanted to touch my crystals, so I made him dress up in three outfits.” 😂😂
BUT at least she let him touch the crystals and didn’t say no after he dressed up … like some people … ✏️

All three kids were crying with the gym teacher by the bus. The gym teacher called me and said, “I think they are upset because of the Aunt that was here when they faked a stomach ache.” They are all hysterical crying and the whole school now knows they faked a stomach ache to spend the day with you.

Brooklyn: Next year, I’m going to be 10 years old, Aunt Kelly.
Me: Brooklyn, you just turned eight years old. Are you going to skip nine?
Brooklyn: because 789! I don’t want to walk around being afraid of being eaten!

Jackie-Brooklyn can you get me a cookie if you're taking one?
Jackie-Ok thanks, can you get me the gooiest one?
Jackie-The lightest one B
B-Ok, here mommy this is the lightest. All the others were a little heavier.

It’s raining here but some guy is outside blowing leaves. Fred’s looking out the window at him and Cole looks up at him, pats his back, and goes, “Don’t worry daddy, someday that will be you.” 10-1-22

“Boys, what did you learn at church?”
"How God got killed and they stabbed him onto a cross” (while acting it out) 11-8-22


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